2022: Spiritual Awakening

My spirit connection seems to come when I’m focused on something outside of myself, when I get out of my head and get in touch with my heart. It feels expansive and inclusive and contagious. I don’t understand how much of it is already inside of me versus how much of it is “outside” of myself, but I’m starting to realize that none of that really matters. It’s all just concepts and words anyway, trying to explain powerful energies that are probably beyond human understanding…at least where we are with this level of collective consciousness. This feels like the juicy good stuff 

This is NOW and this is what we are all hungry for- LIFE, LOVE, MEANING, UNITY, EXPANSIVENESS. Our generation is leaving behind these antiquated boxed-in versions of religion and we are moving into a higher level of spirituality and energy. I think our current models of tribalism make this extra difficult to navigate because society says that we need to fall under a certain category: atheist, Christian, New Age, Republic, Democrat, etc. IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE THIS WAY.  Beliefs and doctrines are not the answer, whatever is REAL is the answer. The Real, or the Unknown can be found in just about any belief system or philosophy. It seems like living from our heart and touching it in this way is also a crucial aspect. I have been living too much from my mind, although I needed to go on that journey to deconstruct and make sense of the harmful version of Christianity I was living under. It’s time for my heart to take over. I don’t want to leave my head out of it, but it cannot be the leader anymore. It’s too small, and it can’t lead me to the higher levels that are next. Only my heart, my gut, my intuition…whatever name you want to call it. This is where I’m at and the journey I’m about to go on. I am a Christian. I am an Atheist. I am Agnostic. I am all of it and none of it. None of it defines me or boxes me in. Just signs pointing to The Real, The Unknown. This movement and next level has been happening and will be expedited in 2022.


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