Session 2: The Outside World

In our relationship to the outside world, we surrender by releasing our ignorance. Meaning, we must let go of our belief that the world is here to make us feel okay. If we search for meaning from the outside world, we will consistently experience disappointment. There is so much happening around us all the time and it is unrealistic to think that the world is primarily here to serve us. A good example is considering how we relate to the weather. Do you resist when it rains, or are you appreciative of the necessity of rainfall? If you think about the fact that rainfall keeps us alive on this planet, then your relationship to rain will change. Next time it rains, shift your focus from your discomfort of being wet, to the miraculous reality that small droplets of water are falling from the sky, keeping us alive by providing us with water to drink. 

The outside world is one of the three elements that influences our state of being. We experience the outside world through the present moment. Each present moment is impersonal. It is impersonal because we are here, co-existing in the world, but it is a powerful force that acts on its own. We can influence the world through our actions, but we our role is primarily as observers of the miraculous beauty that unfolds in front of us. The world is not here to make us happy. It may sound rather depressing, but the world does not need us or care about us. According to science, the world came into existence through an explosion called the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago. Some say God caused it and some say it happened by chance. Before the explosion, the entire universe fit into a tiny ball the size of an atom. This is a mind-blowing thought to consider.

Everything we are looking at in the world consists of bonded molecules. These molecules have empty space between them, and although objects look solid, they consist mostly of the empty space that is between the molecules. Meaning, your desk is mostly made up of empty space. Crazy, I know. Science is deeply spiritual in this way. The more we study science, the more awestruck we become by by Truth. This awe is what leads many people to believe in a Creator. Being awestruck by the magical beauty surrounding us makes it easy to be present to the moment. Don’t force yourself through willpower to be present, instead let go of the part of you that doesn’t want to be in the moment. Let go of your resistance and simply experience the moment. Each moment always has a lesson to teach us. Once we stop resisting and realize that our relationship to the present moment is impersonal, we are free to become fascinated by the present moment instead of wanting the moment to be a certain way to fulfill our needs. Instead of resisting the present moment, allow the truth of the moment to blow your mind. Next time it rains, think big picture and recognize what is really going on. This type of practice will change the way you experience the outside world, helping you to become a more open individual. 


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