My Prayer for the Spiritual Wanderers

By Beau Hoffman
Photo by Brian Zahnd. I highly recommend you follow his pictures and posts as he walks the Camino de Santiago, a 500 mile spiritual pilgrimage.

My prayer for the spiritually confused, lost and wandering:

Lord, many of us, your beloved children, are not sure in which direction we are headed. As we’ve seen our faith be increasingly tied to politics, nationalism, consumerism, celebrity pastors, unloving treatment of others, or angry and violent portraits of God, we can’t help but break free from the religious boxes in which we previously felt so comfortable. But as we do, we are not sure which direction to head. Outside of the box, there is a world of possibility in every direction. Remind us, Lord, that you will always travel with us. Remind us that you are always by our side. Remind us that outside the box, we can more fully experience your goodness, hear your voice and follow you. But it often seems so lonely. When we do this, we leave behind—or are thrust out of and rejected by—our previous faith communities. Purge us of any hatred, malice or resentment toward the faith communities from which we have moved. Fully fashion us into your perfect Love. Help us to find others who are inebriated with your Love. Guide us to people who will walk with us on our journey. But most importantly, let us never forget that you love us. Let us never forget that you created us in your beautiful image and likeness. Let us never forget that your very design and character are imprinted in our lives. Help us to listen to your heart inside us, and trod on with the confidence that Christ in us is the hope of glory. Let us go boldly into the world fully prepared to shine light and love on everything in our path. Amen.


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